Burnsville holds their 4th of July celebration on the 6th because they get a discount from Zambelli Fireworks Company. We decided to take the whole 12 hour drive in one day. Mostly Rt. 19 through Virginia/West Virginia. Most terrifying driving conditions I’ve experienced. High speeds and flash floods. Could have been tragic. Got home (Pittsburgh) after midnight. Glad to be alive. Time to sleep.
The Nu-Wray Inn provides a charmed, no nonsense breakfast. We enjoyed the back patio after having checked out. Got rained on so we sat in the lobby and caught up on our journals. Andy and I had to keep checking our memories. We took a walk around town. Used book store with a bewildering pricing philosphy. The town was getting set for festivities. They do fireworks on the 6th for a price cut. Went to the grocery for apples and chocolate. We drove through flooding roads in the mountains. No mercy until Morgantown. Andy made his first McDonalds stop of the whole trip in Bridgeville, 20 minutes from home. Burger and milkshake. He pulled over to eat it, and scraped me a few M&Ms off the top.